Edith wharton ww1 pictures

Edith wharton themes

The Edith Wharton Collection at The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, estimated at some 50, items, consists of manuscripts, letters, photographs, and miscellaneous personal .
edith wharton ww1 pictures

Edith wharton mythology

“Since leaving Paris yesterday we have passed through streets and streets of such murdered houses, through town after town spread out in its last writhings,” the celebrated .

Edith wharton summary

But when France went to war in , one resident of the rue de Varenne was not prepared to watch from her drawing room.

Edith wharton at home
Wharton made six expeditions to the front lines between August and August Foreign correspondents were rigorously excluded, but she came within sight of snipers, stood beside a sentry looking out into No Man’s Land, and visited hospitals, encampments, “settlements saturated and reeking with wet.”.